Why Oftum

7Our focus is to offer you the best healthcare available in every aspect of our clinic. Our team have been operating since 1995 and are among the most experienced eye surgeons in Europe. Several of our own family members have been our patients - we trust our work!

We believe that perfect vision should not be a luxury. Our pricing is FIXED no matter how strong your prescription and starts from only 995€ for per eye - up to 1395€ for per eye.

We value patient safety and comfort above all other concerns - we’ve been operating only with the “no-touch” bladeless and painless surgical techniques since 2009. And now we offer the revolutionary new ReLEx SMILE® PRO surgery - a whole new standard in comfort, safety and patient outcome.

Our microsurgical team attends key congresses and certified surgical courses every year to keep abreast of the latest trends and studies in refractive eye surgery. The safety of our procedures is always our primary concern, and our surgical techniques are the least invasive available. See our certifications.

We invest only in the very best technology and our clinic is equipped with the latest interconnected diagnostic and laser technologies from Wavelight AG. These are the only Femtolasik 6D systems which are certified by the US FDA for correction of refractive errors of the eye.

Join the 30,000 patients who have perfected their vision with our help.


Copyright: Dr. Tomáš Juhás, PhD.