
Our Oftum representative, describes his own Z-LASIK 6D results

“I had my eyesight corrected by Dr Juhás using the FemtoLASIK 6D procedure in July. Whilst I was back in Prague on business in November, he gave me a full check up. This involved full corneal scans on both eyes, and I’m going to share these with you to illustrate the success of my procedure. Each chart has three pictures - from left to right they are my eye pre-op in June 2015, then post-op in Nov 2015 and finally the difference between them.   Chart 1 shows the corneal curvature of my right eye. The column on the left - Exam A taken pre-op in June 2015 - shows my corneal dioptric values labelled K1 and K2. They are not the same value and this shows that my cornea is curved d...

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ReLEx SMILE® PRO: a breakthrough in laser eye surgery

ReLEx SMILE® PRO (Small Incision Lenticule Extraction) is the latest and most advanced laser eye surgery available. It is minimally invasive, flapless and painless. ReLEx SMILE® PRO combines all the positives of the previous two generations of laser eye surgery and eliminates all of the negatives by carrying out the surgery in a single step, within the cornea and without disturbing the sensitive surface layer of the eye. ReLEx SMILE® PRO is true “key hole surgery” technology and offers several significant advantages: No complications - the unique procedure eliminates the need to create a corneal flap, and therefore the only source of laser eye surgery complications is eliminated e...

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Laser eye surgery with OFTUM

“I enjoy an active lifestyle and the idea of not having my glasses in the way, or a lens popping out of place during a bike ride or game of squash was hugely appealing! Unfortunately, the price of surgery with a UK company was simply too high to consider, and they felt too corporate and not patient-centred enough. I was extremely fortunate that someone suggested to me that I look to Oftum in Prague as an alternative. After getting in touch I was completely taken aback by the quality of healthcare and expertise on offer.” Why should you pay over-the-odds in the UK if you can get the most advanced treatment at a far more reasonable cost in Prague, Czech Republic? There are no compromises with...

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